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Myositis Pro
For easy interpretation of the AESKUBLOTS, AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS provides the dedicated evaluation software AESKUSCAN.
The AESKUBLOTS ® test line represents a variety of different immunoblots for an efficient profile testing of autoimmune and infectious diseases.
Being coated with a plethora of specific antigens on one test strip,AESKUBLOTS ® provide a complete diagnostic overview in a single test and are suitable for screening of autoimmune diseases as well as for cost-effective differential diagnosis.

AESKUBLOTS Myositis Pro (REF 4003)
24 tests/kit
Conjugate: anti-human IgG HRP
Color-coded (blue) test strips with cut-off and positive control
Immunoblot for the qualitative detection of IgG antibodies against
Jo-1, Mi-2, Pm-Scl, U1-snRNP and Ku in human serum or plasma
AESKUBLOTS Myositis Pro is designed to help in the diagnosis of poly- and dermatomyositis, as well as myositis-associated autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune myositis represents a heterogeneous group of acquired muscle diseases. Their main clinical and morphological characteristics are muscle weakness and inflammatory infiltration of skeletal muscles.
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