Cardiac Troponin I test for COVID-19 test
"The structured use of serial cardiac troponin testing has the potential to facilitate risk stratification, help make decisions about when to use imaging, and inform stage categorization and disease phenotyping among hospitalized COVID-19 patients.”
ACC News Story, Jul 08, 2020
Thus ,Troponin I test should be considered an ally and a crucial diagnostic and prognostic aid in healthcare provision worldwide.
Contact us for more info
High Sensitive Cardiac Troponin I test on Maglumi
Broad linearity range- 1- 2000pg/ml
Fast results: Results within 20 minutes
No extra cost for calibrators and controls- 2 level of calibrators and 1 control included in the kit
Highly stable – Calibration stability of 2 weeks
Reagent integral with RFID tag containing all information of the reagent
Maglumi offers high throughput of 180 tests/hour for testing high sample workload
Increased sample and reagent stability with onboard cooling on the system
Troponin I Rapid card test
Uses fingerstick whole blood thus can be used in any setup including emergency care.
Reliable results in 10 minutes
Excellent Performance with Sensitivity of 98.5%, Specificity of 98.4% and Accuracy of 98.5%
A better marker than CK MB as appears early and can be detected for 2 weeks after myocardial infarction.
Inbuilt procedural control
Store at Room temperature (4-30 deg C).
Immunofluorescence Rapid card Tests & Analyzer
Fluorescent label like lanthanide based rapid card tests
Higher sensitivity and stability
TRFIA ( Time Resolved Flourescent Immunoassay ) based card reader
Inbuilt procedural control
Quantitative result analysis
40 tests/package
RT storage thus no need to maintain cold chain